Sunday, March 4, 2012

My outlook on life!

Slow down your heart beat, so relaxed it almost seems as if you were moving in slow motion. Physically at peace yet this burst of buoyancy erodes the active mind. who are you? what do you expect from life? from birth we have learned, we have followed, we have have accepted. Have we ever questioned?

Only the active has doubt, only the awaken explore, only the living live whilst the alive exist. Question the beliefs of a leader  and he shall answer you with confidence, question the beliefs of a follower and he shall answer you with anger for not being a follower. There's many theories to life some choose to have their own outlook, whilst others can be easily persuaded. Our jobs are'nt to condemn peoples perspective, but to judge unbiasedly, to speak freely, to question logically but above all to accept differentially.